

Free, universal healthcare is the cornerstone of our high standard of living and needs to be protected at all costs. Forza Nazzjonali is making a number of proposals aimed at developing the sector, ensuring that all citizens get the healthcare treatment they deserve.


Free chemotherapy to cancer patients

Monitoring and screening programs for various major diseases

Making Malta centre of excellence in fight against diabetes

Build a new Mental Health Centre near Mater Dei

Give the Gozo General Hospital back to the Gozitans

Free medicine for couples undergoing IVF

Set up Gender Clinic

Improve the Pain Management Clinic

Reduce response times of Emergency Department

Support adults who take care of their elderly relatives

New Health Centres in North & Centre of Malta

Free medicine to sufferers of chronic illnesses

Collaborative agreements with the private health sector

Effectively address autism

Fully enforce Charter for Patients' Rights

Introduce Pre and Post Exposure Prophylaxis

Free medicines to pensioners & disabled people

Reduce obesity numbers to European averages

Increase vouchers to celiac sufferers

Tax breaks & refunds to persons with medical health policies

Agreements with voluntary societies active in mental health

Enlarge & embellish Addolorata cemetery & others

Increase the prioritisation of workers in Health sector

Multi-disciplinary clinic for Fibromyalgia sufferers

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